Sunday Service
Children's ministry is not just "babysitting," but purposeful in teaching our kids the truths of God's Word in a safe and loving environment. To live out that intention, we provide the following care for the kids on Sunday mornings;
Nursery for children 0-3 years old (available for the entire service)
Classrooms for Elementary age children (dismissed to class later in the service)
Children in Pre-k through 2nd grade
- ​Children in 3rd-5th grade
When you arrive, head to the back of the sanctuary by the big Redeemer Kids banner to find someone waiting to help you check in!
To learn more about our curriculum, "The Biggest Story", click the link below!

After-SChool Kids' Quest

Kids' Quest will run from 1:10pm-3:30pm on September 20, October 25, November 22, January 17, February 14, March 14, April 4, and May 9 for this school year.
Any students in grades K-5 are welcome to join us!
Intermediate school students will be dismissed to Room 114, and Elementary students will be bussed by Brandywine Transportation from the Elementary School to the Intermediate School. Students can then be picked up by parents or guardians at Brandywine Heights Intermediate School at 3:30pm at the auditorium entrance.
Please fill out the registration form below for your child to attend. On the day(s) your child is attending, please also send a note to school with them indicating that they will be attending Redeemer BFC’s Afterschool Kids' Quest that day and can be dismissed to Redeemer Volunteers.