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A Year in The Bible

At Redeemer BFC, we value God's Word as Truth.
To help us connect more deeply with the Bible, our church is reading the whole Bible together - 365 key chapters from Genesis to Revelation.

Find the reading plan for the whole year for review or printing, then read and answer the questions for this week below!

this week's questions

April 29 - Ezra 5: How were the enemies of God responding to God's people? What did God's people do in response?
April 30 - Ezra 6: Read Ephesians 3:20-21. How did God do immeasurably more than the Israelites could ask or think?
May 1 - Nehemiah 1: How does Nehemiah's prayer reflect his understanding of who God is, what God has done, and what He requires of His people?
May 2 - Nehemiah 2: Why was Nehemiah's request of the king so bold? Reflecting on ch. 1 and v. 20 in ch. 2, what gave Nehemiah this boldness?
May 3 - Nehemiah 4: How did God calm the Israelites fears even though they faced opposition? How did the people go about rebuilding the wall?
May 4 - Nehemiah 5: As a leader, how does Nehemiah show his love and concern and shepherding spirit for the people?
May 5 - Nehemiah 6: How does Nehemiah show godly discernment in responding to the enemies of God and to the prophets?

Reading Plan

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